Monday, 25 May 2015

Low Carb, High Fat- Less fat?

One of the problems a lot of people have had with me being on this diet is not to do with the low carb portion of the diet but instead it is to do with the high fat part. What’s that you eat high fat? How odd….

Because of the anti-fat paraphernalia we are exposed to from a young age everyone thinks fat and thinks heart attack and can’t be good. Although studies have shown that it is not all that bad, certainly when you look at cholesterol and things (just see some of the books listed on the reviews page) and you will see what I mean.

Still much like the low calorie post I want you to actually sit down and think for a minute. Think about your typical food intake before you started this diet, think of all the snacks you had and add up the fat in them.

A typical Mars Celebration box mix for example has 27g of fat in 100g (a couple of bars) as does a lot of ice cream etc. Sounds like a lot, how much do you reckon is in bacon per 100g? Closer to 20g. For breakfast I don’t even have 100g of bacon (I don’t think) so I am actually having less fat for breakfast than someone will get in having a couple of chocolate bars. Now to some people this may seem like a stupid comparison but when I am not on a diet a couple of mars bars does not seem stupid (or the equivalent at least). Chicken which is my staple lunch is much lower at around 6.5g / 100g, again at most looking at 100g or so of chicken at lunch. Dinner is too variable but basically some meat and vegetables.

The point I am trying to make is that if you look into what you are actually eating you might find that although you are on a high fat low carb diet you are not really eating high fat, so why call it high fat?

Well it is high fat because when you look at the grams of fat, protein and carbs you are getting you should see the fat is quite high. So when people ask if the fat is all bad for you, perhaps get them to add up all the fat they have eaten and do a comparison and I am sure at the very least it will be closer than they were expecting?

Of course there are foods you can eat that are going to be high in fat but these tend to be things we eat in moderation any, mainly nuts and cheese.

My source for these was

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