Monday, 8 June 2015

Being a weight loss mentor?

I got asked again this morning about my weight loss by someone who doesn't really know me and wants to lose herself. She asked me about my experience with this diet and I again went through the details of what I have basically been eating and exercise and the key points of not feeling hungry and being motivated enough to keep going so you know you are going to have the will power. As I have said before I think that knowledge is key, going through the first few weeks of this life-style choice is not easy and knowing that you don’t want to do that again really keeps you on track.

She jokingly? Asked me to be her mentor, I am happy to help anyone that wants to lose weight and who knows if I can get a reputation for it perhaps (as people at work have been suggesting) I can add it to my badminton as a self-employed thing I do. Who knows it worked well for me and the Manley Diet has a ring to it? Perhaps my wife and I should write our weight loss story into a book and go from there. We have both had different experiences in terms of gaining the weight and the ease with which we have lost the weight and stuck to the diet. She is a home baker after all.
Of course time would be a major factor and we wouldn't want people to think we are doctors, we are not and we are purely writing our experience, if others decide to follow our advice then that is their choice. It has worked for us and it has worked quickly and as such others are noticing and asking how we have done it. When we explain people are amazed and want more details. The details are out there but to get everything together that I have read into one place would be fantastic. Thinking about time though it was always our aim to get do this in a year, therefore we still have half a year of working hard at this and perfecting it. So if we start taking notes and build things up I see no harm done, worst case it will make some awesome blog posts.
Hopefully we stay on course to meet out goals, both weight loss and exercise and perhaps others will see what we have done and we will of course be happy to help.

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